Cavrnus Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base
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What is Cavrnus?
Getting Started
Cavrnus No-Code Collaboration
Cavrnus Management Console
Cavrnus Application Development
Cavrnus Sample Projects
Cavrnus API Reference
API Reference - Unity
API Reference - Unreal
AuthenticateAsGuest (Unreal Engine)
AuthenticateWithPassword (Unreal Engine)
AwaitAnySpaceBeginLoading (Unreal Engine)
AwaitAnySpaceConnection (Unreal Engine)
AwaitAuthentication (Unreal Engine)
AwaitLocalUser (Unreal Engine)
BeginTransientXPropertyUpdate (Unreal Engine)
BindGlobalPolicy (Unreal Engine)
BindJoinableSpaces (Unreal Engine)
BindSpacePolicy (Unreal Engine)
BindSpaceUsers (Unreal Engine)
BindUserVideoFrames (Unreal Engine)
BindXPropertyValue (Unreal Engine)
DefineXPropertyDefaultValue (Unreal Engine)
DestroyObject (Unreal Engine)
ExitSpace (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusSpaceConnection (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusAuthentication (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusSpaceInfo (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusUser (Unreal Engine)
UCavrnusLiveXPropertyUpdate (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusSpawnedObject (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusInputDevice (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusOutputDevice (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusVideoInputDevice (Unreal Engine)
FetchAudioInputs (Unreal Engine)
FetchAudioOutputs (Unreal Engine)
FetchJoinableSpaces (Unreal Engine)
FetchVideoInputs (Unreal Engine)
GetCurrentSpaceUsers (Unreal Engine)
GetXPropertyValue (Unreal Engine)
IsConnectedToAnySpace (Unreal Engine)
IsLoggedIn (Unreal Engine)
JoinSpace (Unreal Engine)
PostXPropertyUpdate (Unreal Engine)
SetLocalUserMutedState (Unreal Engine)
SetLocalUserStreamingState (Unreal Engine)
SpawnObject (Unreal Engine)
UpdateAudioInput (Unreal Engine)
UpdateAudioOutput (Unreal Engine)
UpdateVideoInput (Unreal Engine)
FCavrnusRemoteContent (Unreal Engine)
UploadContent (Unreal Engine)
UploadContentWithTags (Unreal Engine)
FetchAllUploadedContent (Unreal Engine)
FetchFileById (Unreal Engine)
FetchFileByIdToDisk (Unreal Engine)
Cavrnus Unreal API Headers
API Reference - JavaScript
API Reference - .NET
Cavrnus Accessibility Statement
You‘re viewing this with anonymous access, so some content might be blocked.
Knowledge Base
API Reference - Unreal
API Reference - Unreal