FCavrnusAuthentication (Unreal Engine)
Structure to hold authentication data.
Cavrnus C++ API Reference > Cavrnus Types
Module | CavrnusSpatialConnector |
Header | <Project>/Plugins/CavrnusConnector/Source/CavrnusConnector/Public/Types/CavrnusAuthentication.h |
Include | #include “Types/CavrnusAuthentication.h” |
struct FCavrnusAuthentication(const FString& Token) : Token(Token)
| Type | Name | Description |
| FString | Token | The authentication token received after a successful login. |
| Type | Name | Description |
| FCavrnusAuthentication(const FString& Token) |
The FCavrnusAuthentication structure contains the token received from a successful login attempt.
The Token parameter stores the reference from the server as an FString upon a successful login.
The Token value can be stored locally to keep a user logged in. However, the CavrnusSpatialConnector component already does this for you, so this isn’t useful unless you wanted to re-build or customize that functionality for whatever reason.
You can only ever have one active login at a time.
The FCavrnusAuthentication is what is received as the result of a successful login attempt.
However, you don’t actually need to do anything with the FCavrnusAuthentication is most cases. So at the moment, outside of just existing, this class doesn’t really “do” anything.
Sample Code
#include "CavrnusFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "Types/CavrnusAuthentication.h"
// ... (Other includes and class definitions)
void AMyActor::HandleLoginResult(FCavrnusAuthentication AuthResult, bool bWasSuccessful)
if (bWasSuccessful)
// Login successful!
// Store the authentication token for potential later use
FString MyAuthToken = AuthResult.Token;
// Optionally, save the token to persistent storage for future logins
// ... (Proceed with joining spaces or other actions)
// Handle login failure
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Login failed."));
void AMyActor::AttemptLogin(const FString& Email, const FString& Password)
// Initiate login with Cavrnus (using the function library)
Email, Password,
FOnAuthenticateDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &AMyActor::HandleLoginResult)