FetchFileById (Unreal Engine)

FetchFileById (Unreal Engine)

- Declaration

static void FetchFileById(FString ContentId, const CavrnusContentProgressFunction& OnProgress, const CavrnusContentFunction& OnContentLoaded);

Delegates Options:

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FCavrnusContentProgressFunction, float, Progress, FString, Step);

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FCavrnusContentFunction, const TArray<uint8>&, bytes);

typedef TFunction<void(float, const FString&)> CavrnusContentProgressFunction;

typedef TFunction<void(const TArray<uint8>&, const FString&)> CavrnusContentFunction;

- Description

Downloads an encrypted file to your device, and provides you with a stream.

Note that during this process an unencrypted version of the file does appear on your device in the appdata folder.

- Blueprint Sample


- Code Sample


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