API Reference - JavaScript
This API reference is still in early developmental stages. As such, some information may be missing or out of date. However, please reference the latest code for a complete understanding of functionality and performance.
CavrnusSpaceConnection | This is the most important object in Cavrnus. It represents a user’s connection to a Space. As such it is used to access Properties, hook Users, etc. |
CavrnusUser | This represents an individual user, and can be used to fetch their properties at runtime. |
CavrnusSpace | This represents an individual space. |
initializeCsc | Sets up all static helpers and systems required for Cavrnus to run |
authenticateWithPassword | Gets user credentials, allowing you to join valid spaces and make other requests |
authenticateAsGuest | Creates a guest user account with a given name and joins as that user |
isLoggedIn | Checks if you are logged in |
awaitAuthentication | Resolves a promise on any user authentication |
Space Functions
fetchJoinableSpaces | Gets a list of all current spaces which can be joined |
bindJoinableSpaces | Triggers when spaces become available to you that you can join, or when their metadata changes |
isConnectedToAnySpace | Checks if there is any active connection to a space |
joinSpace | Connects to a Space and begins recieving/processing the journal |
awaitAnySpaceBeginLoading | Resolves a promise when attempting to join a space, returning the ID of the space being joined |
awaitAnySpaceConnection | Resolves a promise immediately if you are already in a space, otherwise resolves as soon as you connect |
exitSpace | Disconnects you from a given space. You will stop receiving property updates |
Color Property Functions
defineColorPropertyDefaultValue | Defines what the application will show if a new prop value has not been assigned |
getColorPropertyValue | Gets the current property value, whether the default or the one currently set |
bindColorPropertyValue | Triggers a callback function when the property changes, plus an initial callback when first bound |
beginTransientColorPropertyUpdate | Begins a temporary property update. This will show for everyone in the space, but will not be saved unless you call Finish(). |
postColorPropertyUpdate | Updates the property value at the given path and synchronizes the data to the server |
Boolean Property Functions
defineBooleanPropertyDefaultValue | Defines what the application will show if a new prop value has not been assigned |
getBooleanPropertyValue | Gets the current property value, whether the default or the one currently set |
bindBooleanPropertyValue | Triggers a callback function when the property changes, plus an initial callback when first bound |
BeginTransientBooleanPropertyUpdate | Begins a temporary property update. This can be updated with UpdateWithNewData() This will show for everyone in the space, but will not be saved unless you call Finish(). |
postBooleanPropertyUpdate | Updates the property value at the given path and synchronizes the data to the server |
Float Property Functions
defineFloatPropertyDefaultValue | Defines what the application will show if a new prop value has not been assigned |
getFloatPropertyValue | Gets the current property value, whether the default or the one currently set |
bindFloatPropertyValue | Triggers a callback function when the property changes, plus an initial callback when first bound |
beginTransientFloatPropertyUpdate | Begins a temporary property update. This can be updated with UpdateWithNewData() This will show for everyone in the space, but will not be saved unless you call Finish(). |
postFloatPropertyUpdate | Updates the property value at the given path and synchronizes the data to the server |
String Property Functions
defineStringPropertyDefaultValue | Defines what the application will show if a new prop value has not been assigned |
getStringPropertyValue | Gets the current property value, whether the default or the one currently set |
bindStringPropertyValue | Triggers a callback function when the property changes, plus an initial callback when first bound |
beginTransientStringPropertyUpdate | Begins a temporary property update. This can be updated with UpdateWithNewData() This will show for everyone in the space, but will not be saved unless you call Finish(). |
postStringPropertyUpdate | Updates the property value at the given path and synchronizes the data to the server |
Vector Property Functions
defineVectorPropertyDefaultValue | Defines what the application will show if a new prop value has not been assigned |
getVectorPropertyValue | Gets the current property value, whether the default or the one currently set |
bindVectorPropertyValue | Triggers a callback function when the property changes, plus an initial callback when first bound |
beginTransientVectorPropertyUpdate | Begins a temporary property update. This can be updated with UpdateWithNewData() This will show for everyone in the space, but will not be saved unless you call Finish(). |
postVectorPropertyUpdate | Updates the property value at the given path and synchronizes the data to the server |
Transform Property Functions
defineTransformPropertyDefaultValue | Defines what the application will show if a new prop value has not been assigned |
getTransformPropertyValue | Gets the current property value, whether the default or the one currently set |
bindTransformPropertyValue | Triggers a callback function when the property changes, plus an initial callback when first bound |
beginTransientTransformPropertyUpdate | Begins a temporary property update. This can be updated with UpdateWithNewData() This will show for everyone in the space, but will not be saved unless you call Finish(). |
postTransformPropertyUpdate | Updates the property value at the given path and synchronizes the data to the server |
User Property Functions
getUserSpeaking | Synchronously returns a boolean denoting if the user is speaking. |
bindUserSpeaking | Binds an event to throw when the user starts/stops speaking. |
getUserMuted | Synchronously returns a boolean denoting if the user is muted. |
bindUserMuted | Binds an event to throw when the user mutes/un-mutes. |
getUserStreaming | Synchronously returns a boolean denoting if the user is sharing a camera/video stream. |
bindUserStreaming | Binds an event to throw when the user starts/stops sharing a camera/video stream. |
getUserName | Synchronously returns a string of the user’s name. |
bindUserName | Binds an event to throw when the user’s name changes. |
bindProfilePic | Binds an event to throw when the user’s profile pic changes. |
Space Users
awaitLocalUser | Throws an event when the local CavrnusUser arrives in the space |
getCurrentSpaceUsers | Gives the list of current users in a space |
bindSpaceUsers | Triggers whenever users join or leave a given space |
bindUserVideoFrames | Throws an event with the user's current stream image |
Voice and Video
setLocalUserMutedState | Set my muted state |
setLocalUserStreamingState | Set my streaming state |
fetchAudioInputs | Gets available microphones |
updateAudioInput | Sets which microphone to use |
fetchVideoInputs | Gets available camera/stream sources |
updateVideoInput | Sets which camera/stream source to use |