DestroyObject (Unreal Engine)

DestroyObject (Unreal Engine)

- Declaration

static void DestroyObject(FCavrnusSpawnedObject SpawnedObject);

- Description

Destroys the given object.

You can only destroy an instance that was created via SpawnObject. If you want to get rid of something that was built-into the scene try synchronizing its “Visibility” boolean using a No-Code Component or a script.

- Blueprint Sample

Destroy Multiple Objects

- Code Sample

This example is a hypothetical HUD interface that allows users to edit the space. After selecting an object in the world (not implemented here) the Delete button allows them to remove the selected object.


#pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "Components/Button.h" #include "SpaceEditHUD.generated.h" class AActor; UCLASS() class MODULE_API USpaceEditHUD : public UUserWidget { GENERATED_BODY() public: void Initialize(FCavrnusSpaceConnection& InSpaceConnection); void OnDeleteButtonClicked(); UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (bindWidget)) Button* DeleteButton = nullptr; private: FCavrnusSpaceConnection SpaceConnection; AActor* SelectedActor; };


#include "SpaceEditHUD.h" #include "CavrnusFunctionLibrary.h" #include "GameFramework/Actor.h" void USpaceEditHUD::Initialize(FCavrnusSpaceConnection& InSpaceConnection) { SpaceConnection = InSpaceConnection; SelectedActor = nullptr; if (DeleteButton) { DeleteButton->OnClicked.BindUFunction(this, GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(USpaceEditHUD, OnDeleteButtonClicked)); } } void USpaceEditHUD::OnDeleteButtonClicked() { if (SelectedActor && SelectedActor.IsValidLowLevel()) { FCavrnusSpawnedObject SpawnedObject = UCavrnusFunctionLibrary::GetIfIsSpawnedObject(SpaceConnection, SelectedActor); UCavrnusFunctionLibrary::DestroyObject(SpawnedObject); SelectedActor = nullptr; } }