FCavrnusSpaceConnection (Unreal Engine)
Represents a user’s live connection to a specific Cavrnus Space.
Cavrnus C++ API Reference > Cavrnus Types
Module | CavrnusSpatialConnector |
Header | <Project>/Plugins/CavrnusConnector/Source/CavrnusConnector/Public/Types/CavrnusSpaceConnection.h |
Include | #include "Types/CavrnusSpaceConnection.h" |
struct FCavrnusSpaceConnection(int SpaceConnectionId) : SpaceConnectionId(SpaceConnectionId)
| Type | Name | Description |
| int | SpaceConnectionId | Unique identifier for the space connection |
| FString | LocalUserConnectionId | Identifier for the local user's connection |
| FString | LocalUserContainerName | Name of the container associated with the local user |
| Type | Name | Description |
| FCavrnusSpaceConnection(int SpaceConnectionId) |
| FCavrnusSpaceConnection(int InSpaceConnectionId, const FString& InLocalUserConnectionId, const FString& InLocalUserContainerName) |
The FCavrnusSpaceConnection is required for most API function calls: joining, leaving, fetching information, accessing properties, etc.
Stores information like the connection ID and associated containers.
Since the FCavrnusSpaceConnection takes awhile to arrive after calling JoinSpace, the best way to get a hold of it is to call AwaitAnySpaceConnection and use the result.
Sample Code
#include "CavrnusFunctionLibrary.h" // Include the library to access Cavrnus functions
#include "Types/CavrnusSpaceConnection.h" // Include the definition of FCavrnusSpaceConnection
// ... (other includes and class definitions)
void AMyActor::JoinCavrnusSpace(const FString& SpaceId)
// Join the space (assuming you have a valid SpaceId)
UCavrnusFunctionLibrary::JoinSpace(SpaceId, FOnJoinSpaceDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &AMyActor::OnJoinSpaceCompleted));
void AMyActor::OnJoinSpaceCompleted(FCavrnusSpaceConnection SpaceConnection, bool bWasSuccessful)
if (bWasSuccessful)
// Successfully joined the space!
// Store the SpaceConnection object for later use
MySpaceConnection = SpaceConnection;
// Access information about the space
FString ContainerId = MySpaceConnection.LocalUserContainerId;
int32 ConnectionId = MySpaceConnection.ConnectionId;
// ... (Use the connection to interact with properties, users, etc.)
// Handle joining failure
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to join Cavrnus space."));