GetCurrentSpaceUsers (Unity)

GetCurrentSpaceUsers (Unity)

- Declaration

public static List<CavrnusUser> GetCurrentSpaceUsers(this CavrnusSpaceConnection spaceConn)

- Description

This gives a list of all CavrnusUsers currently in the space. Note that this list may be empty if called too soon after JoinSpace.

This list will only provide a snapshot of the user states when called, and will not be updated as users join/leave.

For a more robust/maintained list of users consider calling BindSpaceUsers.

- Sample

public class SpaceStateUtility : MonoBehaviour { private CavrnusSpaceConnection spaceConn; public void Start() { CavrnusFunctionLibrary.AwaitAnySpaceConnection(spaceConn => this.spaceConn = spaceConn); } public void PrintCurrentUsersToConsole() { var users = spaceConn.GetCurrentSpaceUsers(); foreach (var user in users) { Debug.Log($"{user.ContainerId} is {user.GetUserName()}"); } } }