AuthenticateWithPassword (Unity)
AuthenticateWithPassword (Unity)
- Declaration
public static void AuthenticateWithPassword(string server, string email, string password, Action<CavrnusAuthentication> onSuccess, Action<string> onFailure)
- Description
Gets user credentials, allowing you to join valid spaces and make other requests.
will generally trigger if the user's email or password is invalid, or if they are not connecting to a valid server.
provides a CavrnusAuthentication which you can then store/load on your local machine to use on a future run without requiring the user to re-login.
- Sample
using CavrnusSdk.API;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
public class AuthenticateWithPassword : MonoBehaviour
public TMP_InputField UserEmailInput;
public TMP_InputField UserPasswordInput;
private const string MyServer = "cavrnus.cavrn.us";
public void Authenticate()
CavrnusFunctionLibrary.AuthenticateWithPassword(MyServer, UserEmailInput.text, UserPasswordInput.text,
auth => OnAuthComplete(auth), error => OnAuthFailure(error));
private void OnAuthComplete(CavrnusAuthentication auth)
Debug.Log("Authentication complete! Welcome to Cavrnus!");
//Generally an invalid email or password
private void OnAuthFailure(string error)
Debug.LogError("Failed to login: " + error);