Cavrnus-CVT Quick Start Guide

Cavrnus-CVT Quick Start Guide



By the end of this guide you will have a clear understanding of the workflow for creating a new project with the Collab Viewer Template using the Cavrnus platform. This page will walk you through how to configure a new Collab Viewer Template project, package the project for synchronized copresence, and navigate the interactive options within the Space.

Set up the Project

The workflow for using the Collab Viewer Template with the Cavrnus platform is similar to the usage pattern of standard CVT:

  1. Download the CMC-CVT template project from the Cavrnus Web Console.

    1. This template includes the same content as the AEC Collab Viewer template for Unreal Engine 5.2.

    2. The Cavrnus Metaverse Connector has been added to power advanced functionality.

  2. Build your project from this template by adding your own custom content and UI configuration.

    1. Replacing the scene with your content is the fastest path to a collaborative session since the Cavrnus plugin is already pre-configured.

    2. You can also start with an existing project and bring the template content into that, just as with standard CVT. However, this requires more advanced configuration which is covered later in this Knowledge Base.

  3. Add content based on the layers of interaction.

    1. Cavrnus gives additional model import options at runtime. You can improve performance by designing your baseline level to include only the models that every variation might have.

    2. Additional models can be added to the project using the standard CVT model library approach, keeping in mind that user-specific models can be later added using either Datasmith or Holos.

See the Epic documentation for more details on critical factors for Importing Content to the Collab Viewer .


Package the Project

  1. The Cavrnus platform does not require any special configuration to package the project. It only requires activation of the Cavrnus plugin (already done from step 1).

    1. Simply follow the Epic standard workflow for Packaging Projects using the Unreal Editor built-in tools built to create an executable file package.

  2. Share the executable package with all of the users who will join your collaborative session.

    1. Each person who who joins your collaborative Space will need to run a duplicate application of your project.

    2. While it is possible for each user to package their own build and still connect within the Space, there will be fewer chances for errors if one member of the team packages the project and distributes copies of the executable.

    3. As with a standard Collab Viewer project, each person who joins the Space will need all of the files in the executable folder.

See the Epic documentation for more information about Packaging Projects, and how you can configure the process.

Connect to a Space

  1. A CVT project powered by Cavrnus does not require a user instance to act as a server.

    1. Each instance connects to the Cavrnus platform, and collaboration takes places within distinct Spaces.

    2. Changes made in one Space do not cross over to affect other Spaces.

    3. You can create as many Spaces as you like, and load the same executable project into each Space with it’s own unique configuration. Each Space has its own Journal which tracks the history of changes made in that Space.

  2. The first differences most users will notice is the user login screen, which prompts the user to login to your domain with a unique ID and password.

Team members specify your domain in the login screen
  1. Make sure your team members have access to your domain by creating user profiles in the Administration page of the Web Console.

    1. See Creating and Managing Users.

  2. To connect your team members in a collaborative session, you first create a Space for everyone to join, and then assign roles for each user within that Space.

    1. See Creating and Managing Spaces.

  3. After logging in to your distributed application, users will can find the Space you’ve invited them to in the Cavrnus Lobby.


Navigate within the Space

  1. The same desktop controls and VR controls natively available in the Collab Viewer Template are also available when using Cavrnus platform.

    1. The Space Bar opens the Iteraction Menu providing various tools to measure, move, and alter the material of an object.

    2. Additional tools are also available, such as scaling and rotating objects, datasmith, and others. More information can be found on the next few pages of this knowledge base.

  2. Once the team is in the Space, you will see the other users logged into the Space as separate avatars.

    1. Just as with standard CVT, each avatar is assigned a unique color and can be identified by the Name label corresponding to their user profile name.

    2. In the Cavrnus-powered CVT, avatars appear as the floating bot with hands in each navigation mode, as seen in the image below.

    3. You may also see a User List on the right side of the screen. This will display each user’s thumbnail image, audio, and screen-sharing controls.

    4. You can toggle this on and off using the F10 key.

  1. Just as in standard CVT, you can use the top right menu to switch between movement modes: fly, walk, orbit, and VR.

    1. In Walk mode, Cavrnus provides a checkbox option to dynamically set the avatar as a Third Person player character (e.g. Manny or Quinn).

    2. Checking this box from any mode will automatically set the movement mode to Walk.


  1. From here, the standard CVT controls should look familiar, and will continue to operate the same way with additional Cavrnus functionality on top.

Changes to the Scene at Runtime

  1. One key difference when using the Cavrnus platform is the persistent tracking of states within a unique Space.

    1. Every change you make is logged to the Journal in real-time. There is no need to click a “Save” button.

    2. Changes are persistently available even after all members leave the Space. When a team member loads the project back into that Space, they will find everything exactly where it was left when the last changes were made.

    3. With Cavrnus, you can have an unlimited number of Spaces, so multiple configurations can be stored and reviewed.

    4. Just as before, you can store a state using the default Collab Viewer Template interface. This will move everything to the stored states and update the Journal.

  2. Objects can also be added and removed from the scene to customize the Space.

    1. Add new models to the scene using the Holos format. Holos added this way are pushed to other users and are visible only in the Space in which they were added.

    2. In the same way, boards can be added for display purposes. (See Boards).

  3. The state of all of the objects in the Space can be managed using the the Cavrnus object list.


Reference the Epic documentation for more information about Collab Viewer Template desktop and VR controls.