Cavrnus-CVT Local Pawn Components Setup

Syncing your local and remote pawns is as simple as adding a handful of Actor Components to the BP_BasePawn. This means behavior will be inherited by the child blueprints.

CVT BP_BasePawn Blueprint Location

→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Pawn/BP_BasePawn

Scene Components to add to BP_BasePawn

→ AC_Cavrnus_SyncAnimationStates

→ AC_Cavrnus_SyncHeadRotation

→ CavrnusPropertiesContainer (This is added by default when adding No-Code Components)


Actor Components to add to BP_BasePawn

  • AC_Cavrnus_SyncAvatarTransform

  • AC_Cavrnus_SyncLaser(You need to add one for both left and right lasers. See below for config details.)

  • AC_Cavrnus_PawnMovementInfo

  • AC_Cavrnus_SyncPawnColor


We need to have Two AC_Cavrnus_SyncLaser components on the pawn. For cleanliness, rename them to reflect what they apply to. Notice below, we renamed one of them to AC_Cavrnus_SyncLaser_Left and set the EditorIsLeftLaser value in the Details panel to True.


And that’s it! The local pawn is now ready!