Cavrnus-CVT VR Pawn Setup

Cavrnus-CVT VR Pawn Setup

In order to setup the VR for proper head and hand tracking, we need to add a few extra components to BP_VRPawn.

CVT BP_VRPawn Blueprint Location

→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Pawn/VR/BP_VRPawn

Head Tracking + Hand Tracking

Add the AC_Cavrnus_SyncVRPawn actor component to BP_VRPawn. This component grabs references to the spawned BP_MotionController Actors and also the Head Transform.

Simply add this to the VR pawn

Now looking at the BP_VRPawn Event Graph

After adding AC_SyncVRPawn, we can now make calls to it. This is necessary for ensuring the controller are setup and able to sync.

For both controllers, we need to call controller setup logic.


VR Pawns are now setup and ready to track!