Cavrnus-CVT Bookmarks Command
Cavrnus-CVT Bookmarks Command
Reminder: All of the Event Dispatchers we create must match exactly to what is shown in this guide!
Modifying BookmarkManager Blueprint
CVT BookmarkManager Blueprint Location
→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Bookmark/UMG/BookmarkManager
Add Cavrnus_BookmarkCreated Event Dispatcher
Add both the Text and Location Inputs
Adding New Logic
Syncing UI
The bookmarks command poses a challenge because both the bookmark actors and their corresponding UI elements need to be synced. In order to leave the original CVT blueprints as untouched as possible, the BP_Bookmark actor needs a reference to it’s corresponding UI element as shown below.
CVT BP_Bookmark Blueprint Location
→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Bookmark/BPs/BP_Bookmark
→ Add Cavrnus_ListItem variable to BP_Bookmark
Modifying AddedBookmarkWidget Blueprint