Cavrnus-CVT Annotation Command
Cavrnus-CVT Annotation Command
This Command offers two main features: Text and Paint annotations. This allows the user to label points of interest in the Level. Extra features have been added, please refer to [Insert link to advanced features guide here!!!].
Reminder: All of the Event Dispatchers we create must match exactly to what is shown in this guide!
Modifying BP_AnnotationComponent Blueprint
CVT BP_AnnotationComponent Blueprint Location
→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Annotation/BP_AnnotationComponent
Add Cavrnus_PaintCreated
Add the corresponding Inputs
→ SpawnTextROS Event
→ SpawnStrokeOnAllClients_ROS Event
This is optional, but in order to support NDisplays, 2D annotation texts must be 3D widgets.