Cavrnus-CVT Move/Transform Command

Cavrnus-CVT Move/Transform Command

This Command allows the user to manipulate an object’s transform in the Level. Extra features have been added for more functionality. Please refer to [Insert link to advanced features guide here!!!].

Reminder: All of the Event Dispatchers we create must match exactly to what is shown in this guide!

Modifying TransformManager BlueprintAdd

CVT TransformManager Blueprint Location

→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Transform/BPs/TransformManager

Add CavrnusActorsTracked
Create ModifiedActors string array input


In the TransformManager blueprint, navigate to the AddTransformedActor Function

Modifying BP_TransformComponent Blueprint

CVT BP_TransformComponent Blueprint Location

→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Transform/BP_TransformComponent

→ AddActorToTransfomManager_ROS Event

→ RestoreInitialTransform_RunOnserver Event

→ RestoreTransformAll Event

Adding New Logic

→ RestoreTransformAll Logic

→ RestoreInitialTransform_RonOnServer Logic

→ SaveGame Logic

→ UI and Interaction Logic

Now that we have added the necessary Cavrnus Notify Server Boolean to the necessary nodes, ensure the UI options shown below have the value set to True.