Property Containers

Property Containers

The Cavrnus plugin uses a dedicated component to specify where in the Journal to store an asset’s property data. These containers can be thought of as a data hierarchy, similar to directory structure on a hard-drive.



Any parameterized data on an asset that can be captured by a Sync Property Component can then be stored in Space’s journal by defining a container. This is a simple two step process.

  1. Add the CavrnusPropertyContainer component to the asset.

  2. Define a unique container.


Container schema

  • A container name can be any combination of letters and numbers. (Note: Avoid starting a container name with a number.)

  • Container names are case sensitive.

  • Containers can be nested inside of other containers using a forward slash ( / ) as a delimiter in the Container Name field.

  • Containers can be grouped together within other containers to form an organized data hierarchy.


Data Types

It’s worth noting that since there is no predefined requirements or restrictions on container names, any asset can store to and retrieve from any container. As such, type validation is left to the designer to maintain data integrity.

Consider these examples:

  • Multiple assets writing “Color” data to the same container in different formats may throw an error when synchronizing.

    • Red

    • 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.0

    • Color{1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00}

  • A differen asset writing truncated data may return 0 as a result.

    • write : {1.2, 3.4, 4.5} read: {1.2} - > may interpret as {1.2, 0.0, 0.0}

    • write : {1.2} read: {1.2, 3.4, 4.5} - > may result in a data overrun error