Redirecting Spaces on Deployed Clients

As we explained in the Creating and Managing Spaces page, you can configure an application to automatically join a space using it’s Join ID. This can be helpful if you have set up a single Space that you want all of your users to enter and you don’t want them going off and joining the wrong one. (For example, if you are demoing a Car Configurator to executives, you want each client to automatically join the same demo space).

Entering Built-In Join ID in Unreal
Entering Built-In Join ID in Unity

However, since Cavrnus Spaces are persistent and constantly being changed & updated by users, there are times where you might decide that the space your clients are joining is no longer ideal. At this point, you could simply hit Clear Journal on the space info page, which will remove everything that was ever done in the space.

But, what if there was some setup that you did to the journal before customers got access to it? In those circumstances, you may want all of your existing clients to now point to a different space.

This can be done with Custom Join IDs.

Step 1: Make our initial space

If you ever expect you will want to redirect already built client apps to a different space, you will need to prepare for it when first building them. Let’s make a new space and call it Car Configuratior.

Step 2: Point our application to the Custom Join ID

Now, instead of copying the Built-in Join ID (which will always be unique to THIS room), configure your Application to use the Custom Join ID. For now that custom Join ID will behave exactly like the default one.

Step 3: Decide we want those applications to point to a different Space

This can happen for any number of reasons, like if the journal ends up with bad data, or if you simply want to change the way the space is set up. Either way, we now have a new space called “Car Configurator - Fixed” that we want all the existing/deployed clients to join.

Step 4: Copy/Delete the Join ID from the old Space

Custom Join IDs are guaranteed to be Unique within your domain, so if you want to give another space the “Car-Config” Join ID, you will first have to delete it from the old Car Configurator space. (It might also be worth renaming that space to “Car Configurator - Old” while you’re at it).

*Remember to Save!

Step 5: Paste that Join ID into your new Space

Now you just have to paste that Join ID into the “Car Configurator - Fixed” & Save! From now on, all existing clients who are configured to join “Car-Config” will point to the new “Fixed” space!