Cavrnus-CVT Level Setup

Cavrnus-CVT Level Setup

Level Setup

All of the core Cavrnus-logic is conveniently located in the A_CavrnusCVTManager actor. This needs to be in the level along with the CavrnusSpatialConnector. To easily add these Actors to a level, navigate to CavrnusCVT > Setup Level for Cavrnus & CVT.

Select Setup level for Cavrnus & CVT
Both of these Actors must be in your level in order to run Cavrnus with CVT!

Before running your Level, the CavrnusSpatialConnector must be properly configured! Please refer to Setting up Cavrnus Spatial Connector for Unreal Engine for more information.

Setting Level Objects to Movable

The CVT Move Command requires static mesh actors to have their Mobility set to Movable in order to be interacted with. If everything in your scene needs to be movable, we provide a simple option to do this automatically. Navigate to CavrnusCVT > Convert ALL StaticMeshActors to movable.

WARNING: Doing this will affect every mesh actor in the Level. Ideally you should manually designate which actors should be set to Movable.

It is also advised to have version control (Git, Plastic, etc) in place before doing this change as it will affect the entire Level.