ECavrnusAuthMethod - Defines authentication method options (None, JoinAsMember, JoinAsGuest)
ECavrnusMemberLoginMethod - Defines member login methods (None, EnterMemberLoginCredentials, PromptMemberToLogin)
ECavrnusGuestLoginMethod - Defines member login methods (None, EnterNameBelow, PromptToEnterName)
ECavrnusSpaceJoinMethod - Defines member login methods (None, EnterSpaceId, SpacesList)
Initialization Functions
PostInitializeComponents - Registers the Cavrnus subsystem proxy
MyServer - Server address
AuthMethod - Selected authorization method
GuestLoginMethod - Selected guest login method. Editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsGuest. Otherwise hidden.
MemberLoginMethod - Selected member login method. Editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsMember. Otherwise hidden.
GuestName - User-entered guest login name. Editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsGuest, and GuestLoginMethod is set to PromptToEnterName. Otherwise hidden
GuestJoinMenu - Selected guest login widget class, editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsGuest, and GuestLoginMethod is set to PromptToEnterName.
MemberLoginEmail - User-entered member login email, editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsMember, and MemberLoginMethod is set to EnterMemberLoginCredentials. Otherwise hidden
MemberLoginPassword - User-entered member login password. Editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsMember, and MemberLoginMethod is set to EnterMemberLoginCredentials. Otherwise hidden
MemberLoginMenu - Selected member login widget class, editable only if AuthMethod is JoinAsMember, and MemberLoginMethod is set to PromptMemberToLogin. Otherwise hidden
Space Joining
SpaceJoinMethod - Selected space join method.
AutomaticSpaceJoinId - User-entered automatic space join ID (as string), editable only if SpaceJoinMethod is EnterSpaceId.
SpaceJoinMenu - Selected space join menu widget class, editable only if SpaceJoinMethod is SpacesList.
Avatar Management
RemoteAvatarClass - Property for selecting the asset class type used to represent remote users.
In Space UI
AuthenticationWidgetClass - Property for selecting the authentication widget class.
LoadingWidgetClass - Property for selecting the loading widget class
WidgetsToLoad - Array property for specifying widgets to load. The array length is adjustable in the editor.
SpawnableIdentifiers - Map property for specifying spawnable identifiers and their corresponding actor classes.