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Authentication Functions

This is the main Blueprint function library for interacting with the Cavrnus Spatial Connector. It provides a wide range of static utility functions for authentication, space management, property manipulation, permissions, user interactions, and more.


GetCavrnusSpatialConnectorSubSystemProxy - Gets the Cavrnus Spatial Connector subsystem proxy.

GetCavrnusSpatialConnector - Gets the Cavrnus Spatial Connector instance.

IsLoggedIn - Checks if the user is logged in.

AuthenticateWithPassword - Authenticates the user with a password.

AuthenticateAsGuest - Authenticates the user as a guest

AwaitAuthentication - Wait for user authentication to finish. Since there is a potential network delay during authentication, this is used to prevent errors that would occur if commands are issued before authorization is complete.

Space Functions

FetchJoinableSpaces - Fetches a list of all joinable spaces.

BindJoinableSpaces - Updates the current list of Spaces that can be joined. Triggers when the metadata of a Space changes, or when the user's access to join it has changed.'

IsConnectedToAnySpace - Checks if there is an active connection to a space

JoinSpace - Connects to a Space, joining voice & video, chat, and recieving/processing Journal updates.

AwaitAnySpaceBeginLoading - Awaits the beginning of any Space loading process. This triggers a special delegate to trace the status of the Space.

AwaitAnySpaceConnection - Awaits connection to any Space. This triggers the provided delegate immediately if already connected, or as soon as a connection is made.

ExitSpace - Disconnects from the specified space, stopping property updates and losing user & voice connections.

Property Functions

Generic Properties

DefineGenericPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a generic property within a specified container.

GetGenericPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a generic property within a specified container.

BindGenericPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of a generic property in the Journal.

PostGenericPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a generic property in the Journal.

PropertyValueExists - Test whether a property exists in the journal for the space.

Color Prop Functions


Bool Properties

DefineBoolPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a color boolean property within a specified container.

GetColorPropertyValue GetBoolPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a color boolean property within a specified container.

FColorPropertyUpdated FBoolPropertyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a color boolean property is updated.

BindColorPropertyValue BindBooleanPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of the Color boolean property when it changes, plus an inital event when first bound.

BeginTransientColorPropertyUpdate BeginTransientBoolPropertyUpdate - Begins a temporary update to a color boolean property's value. The update will show for everyone in the space but will not be saved unless finalized with PostColorPropertyUpdatePostBoolPropertyUpdate.'

PostColorPropertyUpdate - Updates the color property value in the given container and synchronizes the PostBoolPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a boolean property's value, synchronizing the data to the Journalserver.'

Bool Prop Functions


Float Properties

DefineFloatPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a boolean float property within a specified container.

GetBoolPropertyValue GetFloatPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a boolean float property within a specified container, either set or default.

FBoolPropertyUpdated FFloatPropertyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a boolean float property is updated.

BindBooleanPropertyValue BindFloatPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of the boolean float property when it changes, plus an inital event when first bound.

BeginTransientBoolPropertyUpdate BeginTransientFloatPropertyUpdate - Begins a temporary update to a boolean float property's value. The This update will show for be visible to everyone in the space but will not be saved unless finalized with PostBoolPropertyUpdatePostFloatPropertyUpdate.'

PostBoolPropertyUpdate PostFloatPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a boolean float property's value, synchronizing the data to the server.'

Float Prop Functions


String Properties

DefineStringPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a float string property within a specified container.

GetFloatPropertyValue GetStringPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a float string property within a specified container, either set or default.

FFloatPropertyUpdated FStringPropertyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a float string property is updated.

BindFloatPropertyValue BindStringPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of the float string property when it changes, plus an inital event when first bound.

BeginTransientFloatPropertyUpdate BeginTransientStringPropertyUpdate - Begins a temporary update to a float string property's value. This update will be visible to everyone in the space but will not be saved unless finalized with PostFloatPropertyUpdatePostStringPropertyUpdate.'

PostFloatPropertyUpdate PostStringPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a float string property's value, synchronizing the data to the server.'

String Prop Functions


Vector Properties

DefineVectorPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a string vector property within a specified container.

GetStringPropertyValue GetVectorPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a string vector property within a specified container.

FStringPropertyUpdated FVectorPropertyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a string vector property is updated.

BindStringPropertyValue BindVectorPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of the string vector property when it changes, plus an inital event when first bound.

BeginTransientStringPropertyUpdate BeginTransientVectorPropertyUpdate - Begins a temporary update to a string vector property's value. This update will be visible to everyone in the space but will not be saved unless finalized with PostStringPropertyUpdatePostVectorPropertyUpdate.'

PostStringPropertyUpdate PostVectorPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a string vector property's value, synchronizing the data to the server.'

Vector Prop Functions


Transform Properties

DefineTransformPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a vector transform property within a specified container.

GetVectorPropertyValue GetTransformPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a vector transform property within a specified container.

FVectorPropertyUpdated FTransformPropertyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a vector transform property is updated.

BindVectorPropertyValue BindTransformPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of the vector property when it changes, plus an inital event when first bound.

BeginTransientVectorPropertyUpdate BeginTransientTransformPropertyUpdate - Begins a temporary update to a vector transform property's value. This update will be visible to everyone in the space but will not be saved unless finalized with PostVectorPropertyUpdatePostTransformPropertyUpdate.'

PostVectorPropertyUpdate PostTransformPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a vector transform property's value, synchronizing the data to the server.'

Transform Prop Functions


Color Properties

DefineColorPropertyDefaultValue - Defines a default value for a transform color property within a specified container.

GetTransformPropertyValue GetColorPropertyValue - Retrieves the current value of a transform color property within a specified container.

FTransformPropertyUpdated FColorPropertyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a transform color property is updated.

BindTransformPropertyValue BindColorPropertyValue - Binds a callback to updates of the vector Color property when it changes, plus an inital event when first bound.

BeginTransientTransformPropertyUpdate BeginTransientColorPropertyUpdate - Begins a temporary update to a transform color property's value. This The update will be visible to show for everyone in the space but will not be saved unless finalized with PostTransformPropertyUpdatePostColorPropertyUpdate.' PostTransformPropertyUpdate - Posts an update to a transform property's value, synchronizing

PostColorPropertyUpdate - Updates the color property value in the given container and synchronizes the data to the serverJournal.'


FCavrnusPolicyUpdated - Delegate triggered when a policy is updated.

BindGlobalPolicy - Binds a global policy update event for the user. Returns false by default until policies are fetched & resolved.

BindSpacePolicy - Binds a space-specific policy update event for the user. Returns false by default until policies are fetched & resolved.

Spawned Objects

FCavrnusSpawnedObjectArrived - Delegate triggered when a spawned object arrives.

SpawnObject - Instantiates the given object with no set properties. You will need to pull the Container ID out of the Spawned Object and assign property values to it.

DestroyObject - Destroys the given object.

Space Users

FCavrnusSpaceUserEvent - Delegate triggered when a space user event occurs.

AwaitLocalUser - Wait for the local user to connect to the specified space. This function returns all users currently in the space.

GetCurrentSpaceUsers - Gets all users currently in the specified space connection.

BindSpaceUsers - Binds events for when users join or leave the specified space connection. This function triggers whenever users join or leave the given space.

FCavrnusUserVideoFrameEvent - Delegate triggered when a user's video frame is updated.'

BindUserVideoFrames - Binds an event for when a user's video frame updates. This function triggers an event when the property changes, plus an initial event when first bound.'

Voice and



SetLocalUserMutedState - Sets the muted state for the local user.

SetLocalUserStreamingState - Sets the streaming state for the local user.

FCavrnusSavedInputDevice - Delegate for receiving the saved input device.

FetchSavedAudioInput - Fetches the last saved audio input device or a default if none is set.

FCavrnusAvailableInputDevices - Delegate for receiving available input devices.

FetchAudioInputs - Fetches the available audio input devices.

UpdateAudioInput - Sets the audio input device to use.

FCavrnusSavedOutputDevice - Delegate for receiving the saved output device.

FetchSavedAudioOutput - Fetches the last saved audio output device or a default if none is set.

FCavrnusAvailableOutputDevices - Delegate for receiving available output devices.

FetchAudioOutputs - Fetches the available audio output devices.

UpdateAudioOutput - Sets the audio output device to use.

FCavrnusAvailableVideoInputDevices - Delegate for receiving available video input devices.

FetchVideoInputs - Fetches the available video input devices.

UpdateVideoInput - Sets the video input device to use.

Remote Content

FCavrnusContentProgressFunction - Delegate for handling content download progress.

FCavrnusContentFunction - Delegate for handling the downloaded content bytes.

FetchFileById - Downloads the given content by its ID and returns an array of its bytes.

FCavrnusContentFileFunction - Delegate for handling the file path of the downloaded content.

FetchFileByIdToDisk - Downloads the given content by its ID to a specified disk location and returns the file path.

FCavrnusRemoteContentFunction - Delegate for handling the available remote content.

FetchAllUploadedContent - Fetches metadata on all uploaded content stored on the Cavrnus server.

FetchAllUploadedContent - Fetches metadata on all uploaded content stored on the Cavrnus server.

FCavrnusUploadCompleteFunction - Delegate for handling the uploaded content information.

UploadContent - Encrypts and uploads a file from your disk to your Cavrnus Server.

UploadContentWithTags - Encrypts and uploads a file from your disk to your Cavrnus Server using tags to filter/organize your objects.


FCavrnusChatFunction - Delegate for handling the local Chat entry functions.

FCavrnusChatRemovedFunction - Delegate for handling removal of Chat entr(ies).

BindChatMessages - Binds a callback to chat message updates in a given Cavrnus Space.

PostChatMessage - Binds a callback to post an updated message to a given Cavrnus Space.


CheckErrors - Checks for errors in the provided space connection.

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