You can save and load CVT sessions to store annotations, measurements, and transparency information. With Cavrnus, these saved states are automatic, and do not need to be shared or distributed as individual files. Objects that have been placed and configured by multiple users will remain persistent in the collaborative Space, even after all users leave.
The host and other participants in a collaborative view can save annotations, measurements, Xray transparency state, 3D Cut sections, and the position of items moved by Transform .
Saving a Session
To save your session, select the Save button, type a name for the session, then press Enter.
Click for full image.
Each participant saves their session in their own local copy of the collaborative view package. Sessions are saved in the YourProjectName/Saved/SaveGames sub-folder.
The current positions and rotations of you and other participants are not saved.
You cannot modify a saved session or use the name of an existing saved session.
You cannot save and restore sessions while in VR mode.
Loading a Session
To load a saved session, select the menu next to the Save button, then select a session.
Click for full image.
The list of sessions includes those you have saved, as well as those saved by any other participants who are currently connected.
Load States in the Unreal Editor
You can now reload saved states directly in the editor:
Copy the .sav files representing the states you want to reload as well as the MainSaveGame.sav file from your Saved / SaveGames folder from your application into the same folder in your project.
In the editor, open the CollaborativeViewer > Blueprints > Tools folder, select the Editor_CollabViewerUtility_BP . Right-click and select Run Editor Utility Widget .
A widget containing the Default state selector will appear, you can now select one of the copied states from the drop down list.
You might need to move the camera in the viewport to refresh the parameters.
Nice-to-Have Features
Being able to save in VR mode seems like low-hanging fruit.
Ability to swap back and forth quickly between multiple Spaces to compare and contrast.
This is a feature that CVT kind of has that we don’t, since you can easily fliip between different saved states.
At the same time, though, this comes at a cost. There is nothing preventing someone from flipping through your saved states while you are logged in, since they have access to your complete list.
Also, there doesn’t seem to be a way to push a state for all attendees in a space.
Treating the Journal like a version history system (e.g. GIT)
Being able to merge changes made in one Space with changes from another.
Being able to store the changes in a format that can be reintroduced back into Unreal.