The scale feature works the same as the standard Collab Viewer Template. Each participant can set their own scale for how they view and move through the level. The scaling function can still be accessed from the on-screen HUD or from the Interactive Menu.
Click image to expand. The scale can be tuned with a slide bar in the menu and through direct keyboard input on the top HUD.
Click image to expand. The bottom left participant (blue) has a scale 10 times bigger than the world and other participants.
Testing in VR in the Unreal Editor
When you launch a packaged or standalone version of the Collab Template with VR set up on your computer, you'll be able to switch to VR mode using the icon in the Toolbar.
However, if you want to use VR controls while testing your Project in the Unreal Editor, you'll need to follow these steps:
Find the BP_CollaborativeViewer_GameInstance Asset in the Content Browser under CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/GameInstance .
Double-click the Asset to open it in the Blueprint Editor.
In the My Blueprint panel, select the NavigationMode variable.
In the Details panel, under the Default Value section, select VR for the Navigation Mode option.
Compile and Save the Blueprint.
To launch the preview, use the drop-down arrow next to the Play button in the Toolbar to select VR Preview .
Remember to turn this setting back off before you package your application! If you don't, the resulting package will not work as you expect.