Cavrnus-CVT Explode Command
Cavrnus-CVT Explode Command
Before editing the Explode Command, refer to Unreal CVT Explode Documentation in order to properly setup Explode components in the Level.
Modifying BP_ExplodeComponent Blueprint
CVT BP_ExplodeComponent Blueprint Location
→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Explode/BP_ExplodeComponent
Add Cavrnus_ExplodeToggled
Add an Id Integer input
Adding New Logic
Modifying BP_Explode Blueprint
CVT BP_Explode Blueprint Location
→ CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/Explode/BP_Explode
This change is more for consistency in what is expected when reading the current state of an animation in the journal. If the animation is active, it will be true and vice versa. Lets remove the negation as shown below.