Cavrnus Spatial Connector for Unreal Engine- Changelog
[2024.3.0] - 2024-10-11
Create Space methods added to CavrnusFunctionLibrary and UI.
New CavrnusSyncHeadRotation component for pawns.
New Animation synching components - CavrnusPawnAnimationComponent and AC_CavrnusAnimationAccessor.uasset
Set EnabledByDefault to false in CavrnusConnector.uplugin. User needs to enable the plugin in the project, even when plugin is located in
.Animation accessor added to BP_BasePawn_Remote.uasset.
Local property handling logic in CavrnusRelayNet.
Increased transient property timeout period in CavrnusRelayNet.
Performance improvements to interop batching.
CavrnusRelayNet performance improvements - reduced logging, fixed scheduler.
CavrnusConnectorSettings improvements.
Settings that apply to the project (e.g. RelayNetDisableRTC) should now go in DefaultCavrnus.ini. Copy the instance found in the plugin to
, and modify settings there to apply values in packaged builds.Settings that are meant for local development (e.g. RelayNetVerboseLogging) can be set in the Unreal Editor menu Project | Plugins. These get stored in the
Moved CavrnusConnector loading to PreDefault loading phase. Fixes issues where adding CavrnusConnector uasset references to a C++ project's assets could result in failures on subsequent editor starts.
Widget cleanup issues; moved one-time initialization from event Construct to OnInitialized. Added cleanup to NativeDestruct.
Properties handling improvements to eliminate unnecessary callback execution.
Bugs where property smoothing resulted in missing property updates.
Data invalidation fix due to incorrect property change ID caching.
Asset dependency errors in SK_Hand.uasset and SK_Hand_Skeleton.uasset.
AC_Cavrnus_SyncAvatarTransform - IsValid checking to fix error on shutdown.
Bug where multiple copies of UserWidget could appear in UserPanel.
Sample Scene fixes and improvements.
Bug where initial journal value callbacks would not fire.
[1.0.0] - 2024-6-10
Initial package creation.