For details on specific considerations that you'll need to keep in mind when setting up your content, such as collisions and navigation meshes,
Configuring the start up models in your project, as well as changing the starting level, all work the same as the standard Collab Viewer Template. See the Unreal Engine documentaiton for more informaiton.
Loading your own Datasmith content at runtime can make use of the Cavrnus workflow.
Also, holos are available for loading and unloading at runtime using the Cavnrus connectorAdding new content to a Space can be achieved in a few ways using Cavrnus-CVT.
Content Types
Users can add a variety of content to a Space, including:
static models
animated models
video clips
Regardless of how content is imported or modified, all modifications are specific to a given Space. The original game package is not modified, and changes do not carry over to other Spaces. This provides the ability to maintain distinct configurations of a scene across multiple Spaces.
Import using Datasmith
The Interaction Menu is configured by default in Cavrnus-CVT to include the Datasmith feature to import local models into the Space. Use the same workflow as standard CVT to import Datasmith files into a scene.
Adding Datasmith files to a Space automatically stores the position, scale, and orientation of the model to the Journal.
Once the Journal is updated, all users within the Space will begin seeing the model and will be able to interact with it.
Tip |
Refer to the Epic Documentation for more information on using Datasmith. |
Import from the Content Library
The Content Library is an additional tool that comes with the Cavrnus plugin.
Users can add pre-loaded models, images, and materials to a scene from the library.
Since the content is pre-loaded, no download is required to transfer the content data. Only the object properties are stored in the Journal, such as ID and transform.
Once the Journal is updated, all users within the Space will begin seeing the model and will be able to interact with it.
Tip |
Refer to the Epic Documentation for more information on using Datasmith. |
Import Using the Holo Format
In addition to pre-loaded models in the Cavrnus plugin, users can also import local files into the Space. The Content Library includes an +Import tool that converts local content into the Holo format.
Image AddedOnce conversion to the Holo format is complete, the object can be selected from the Content Library and inserted into the scene.
The additional content is updated in a the Journal along with it’s scene properties, and all users within the Space will be able to see the model and interact with it.
Tip |
For more information on the Holo format, see Cavrnus Formats. |
Model Considerations
When importing local content into a scene, be sure to consider these technical requirements to support interactivity at run-time.
Using 3D Models
Just as in the the standard Collab Viewer Template, model surfaces must have collision meshes in order to select or teleport to surfaces in a Cavrnus CVT Space. Navigation also requires a Nav Mesh.
The Simulate Physics setting must be turned off for any Actor that you want to be able to interactw ith interact with when using the Transform or Xray command.
Controlling Transform and
XRay X-ray Behavior
Just as in the standard Collab Viewer TemplateCVT, the mobility setting of each actor determines whether or not the Transform interaction can move, rotate, or scale the object at runtime.
Movable - The object can be transformed
Static/Stationary - The object can be highlighted, but its position, rotation, and scale cannot be adjusted.
Parent/Child HeirarchyHierarchy
Changing the Starting Level