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Collab Viewer Tools

  • The Cavrnus Menus

  • Annotating in CVT

  • Measuring in CVT

  • Saving & Loading a session

  • Bookmarks in CVT

  • Explode Animations in CVT

    Cavrnus Menu

    Adding Cavrnus to your Collab Viewer Template project brings new menu options to your runtime user interface. These menu options give you additional navigation and content controls in in the Space, as well as communication tools for your collaborative team.

    Button_CavrnusMenu.pngImage Added

    Clicking the Cavrnus logo at the top center of the screen expands or collapses the Cavrnus menu. By default, the Cavrnus menu appears collapsed.

    icn_insert.pngImage Added

    Insert Menu

    Using Cavrnus, you can insert images and models into a scene at runtime. You can choose from a library of pre-loaded content, or upload new files during a session. Other users in the Space will see the new objects in the Space once the files are converted to the Holo format. Their transform and state properties are stored in the Journal, and will persist in that Space until removed.

    To learn more about the Holo format, see the Cavrnus knowledge base on Holos.

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    Insert Content

    Opens the Content Library dialog box. From here you can insert models, images, PDF’s, and videos. The Cavrnus plugin includes a variety of pre-loaded content, or you can import new files to automatically convert them to the Holo format.

    See the Cavrnus Knowledge Base to learn more about the Insert Content dialog box.

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    Add Boards

    Select either “White Board” or “Stream Board” to add a board to your scene, then click a location in the Space to place the board.

    See the Cavrnus Knowledge Base for more information on Boards.

    Stream Boards

    Flat surfaces for projecting a user’s screenshare. In a Cavrnus Space, you can view multiple user’s screens at once by setting up multiple Stream boards.

    White Boards

    Flat surfaces for writing, sketching, or posting notes for collaboration.

    Desktop Controls

    Most of the familiar Collab Viewer Template tools work the same way as always. Additional functionality is listed below.

    Navigation Mode Toolbar

    Activate Walk mode

    Walk mode

    The avatar’s root follows the closest surface below it, with collisions turned on. The Cavrnus plugin adds a checkbox below this button to swap the standard CVT bot avatar with the Third Person Character pawn. (e.g. Manny or Quinn). These avatars can be changed with your own content.

    NOTE: Checking this box from any mode will automatically set the navigation mode to Walk.


    Activate: Press the I key on your keyboard.

    Move Forward: W
    Move Backward: S
    Strafe Left: A
    Strafe Right: D

    Look Around: Right-click and drag

    Interaction Menu: Space Bar

    Activate Fly mode

    Fly mode.

    This performs the same way as standard CVT.

    NOTE: Switching from Fly mode to Walk mode enables gravity. If the avatar is above the ground, it will free fall. Otherwise it will snap to the closest ground surface.

    See the Epic Documentation for more details on Fly Mode Controls.


    Activate: Press the U key on your keyboard.

    Move Forward: W
    Move Backward: S
    Strafe Left: A
    Strafe Right: D
    Move Up: E
    Move Down: Q

    Look Around: Right-click and drag

    Interaction Menu: Space Bar

    Activate Orbit mode

    Orbit mode.

    This performs the same way as standard CVT.

    See the Epic Documentation for more details on Orbit Mode Controls.


    Activate: Press the O key on your keyboard.

    Orbit around POI: Right-click and drag
    Reposition POI: Middle-click
    Reposition POI and frame the object: Double middle-click
    Zoom towards or away from POI: Scroll wheel

    Look Around: Right-click and drag

    Interaction Menu: Space Bar

    Activate VR mode

    VR mode.

    This performs the same way as standard CVT.

    See the Epic Documentation for more details on VR controls.


    Activate: Press the P key on your keyboard.

    Set Teleport Location: Press and hold action button (varies based on HMD)
    Set Orientation: Turn wrist while setting teleport location
    Jump to New Location: Release action button (varies)

    Interaction Menu: Move right thumbstick to select, and click to select.

    Additional UI


    While the Cavrnus Journal stores a more comprehensive history of changes, the Saving and Loading function still functions for storing changes locally and applying to a scene. This may be useful for duplicating changes in one Cavrnus Space to another.

    See the Epic Documentation for more on Saving and Loading


    1. Click the save icon.

    2. Enter a name for the state in the field.

    3. Recall the state at a later time using the dropdown.

    Voice Over IP

    The headset icon is synchronized with the Cavrnus mute/unmute function. Clicking this icon will also toggle the mute button in the Cavrnus toolbar.


    Click the button to mute the microphone. The icon changes to show an 'x' inside the headset.

    Common Desktop Controls

    The following controls work the same way in all desktop movement modes: Fly mode, Walk mode, and Orbit mode.



    Activate the laser pointer

    Move the mouse cursor to the object you want to highlight, then left-click.

    Open the Interaction Menu

    Press Spacebar . For details on using the items in this menu, see The Interaction Menu .

    Move to a preset bookmark location

    Press any number key from 0-9 that has been mapped to a specific bookmark location. See Working with Bookmarks in the Collab Viewer Template .

    Exit the application

    Press Esc .

    VR Controls



    Teleport to a new location

    Activate the laser pointer

    Press the main trigger button on either controller, and move the controller around in real world space.

    Open the Interaction Menu

    Push the right-hand controller thumbstick forward or back. Use the thumbstick to highlight the option you want to activate, then press the thumbstick button to confirm your choice. For details on using the items in this menu, see The Interaction Menu .

    Exit the application

    Press Esc on your computer keyboard.

    The Interaction Menu

    The Interaction Menu offers you several commands and modes for interacting with the content in your scene at runtime.

    The Interaction Menu

    To open the Interaction Menu, press Spacebar in any desktop mode. See VR Controls for how to open the menu on your VR controller.




    Use the options in the Transform sub-menu to move selected objects around in the scene.

    Transform > Move

    Activates the Transform Move mode. When you select an object in the scene with your laser pointer, you can drag the laser pointer to move the selected object around in 3D space.

    Transform > Reset

    Activates the Transform Reset mode. When you select an object in the scene with your laser pointer, you instantly reset the selected object to its original position and rotation.

    Transform > Reset All

    Instantly returns all objects in the scene to their original positions and rotations.


    Use the options in the Annotation sub-menu to add and remove annotations. See Annotating in the Collab Viewer .

    Annotation > Paint

    Activates the Annotation Paint mode. While this mode is active, you can paint on a grid.

    Annotation > Delete Stroke

    Activates the Annotation Delete Stroke mode. While this mode is active, you can select a paint stroke with your laser pointer to delete it.

    Annotation > Annotate Text

    Activates the Annotate Text mode. While this mode is active, you can place, edit, and delete 2D text labels.

    Snapshot > Take

    Select to take a snapshot. Snapshots are saved as .PNG files in the YourProjectName/Saved/Snapshot sub-folder of the collaborative view package.


    Use the options in the Xray sub-menu to apply and remove a see-through Material to selected objects in the scene.

    Xray > Apply

    Activates the Xray Apply mode. While this mode is active, any object you select in the scene with your laser pointer gets the see-through Material applied to it.

    Xray > Isolate

    Activates the Xray Isolate mode. While this mode is active, and you select an item in the scene with your laser pointer, the see-through Material is applied to all other Actors in the same hierarchy as the one you select.

    Xray > Reset All

    Instantly removes the see-through Material from all objects in the Level, returning them to their original Materials.


    Use the options in the Measurement sub-menu to add and remove measurements. See Measuring in the Collab Viewer .

    Measurement > Add

    Activates the Measurement Add mode. While this mode is active, a measurement is drawn between each pair of points that you select.

    Measurement > Delete

    Activates the Measurement Delete mode. While this mode is active, you can select a measurement with your laser pointer to delete it.

    Measurement > To Centimeter

    Use this option to set your unit of measure to centimeters.

    Measurement > To Meter

    Use this option to set your unit of measure to meters.


    Use the Scaling mode to change your world scaling. Default is 1:1


    Opens a list of all Bookmarks in the current Level. Select any Bookmark in the sub-menu to teleport to its viewpoint. See also Working with Bookmarks .

    Bookmark > Create Bookmark

    Use this option to create a new Bookmark during runtime.

    3D Cut Plane

    Use the options in the 3D Cut Plane sub-menu to select a section of geometry to remove.

    3D Cut Plane > Add/Edit

    Use this option to place or transform the 3D Cut volume.

    3D Cut Plane > Remove

    Use this option to remove the 3D Cut volume.

    3D Cut Plane > Include / Exclude

    Use this option to toggle between removing the geometry inside or outside the 3D Cut volume.

    When an interaction mode is active, such as Xray Apply , the name of the mode appears in the lower right of the viewport.

    3D Cut Operation

    You can cut geometry based on a 3D cube volume, selecting whether to preserve the geometry inside or outside of the volume. The 3D cube can be translated, rotated, and scaled. It also functions with geometry loaded at runtime, the material of geometry intersecting the volume will be switched temporarily to a custom grey material which supports the operation.

    3D cut removing inside

    A cutting volume that removes the inside of the volume.

    3D cut removing outside

    A cutting volume showing only what is inside of the volume.

    World Scaling

    Each participant can now choose their own scale for the world. They can scale up to view and interact with a real scale model as if it was a mockup, or scale down for more precise movement to observe details. The scale affects the participants' displacement as well as their visual representation. The scaling function can be accessed directly from the HUD or from the Menu.

    Scaling controls

    Click image to expand. The scale can be tuned with a slide bar in the menu and through direct keyboard input on the top HUD.

    Scaling example with multiple users

    Click image to expand. The bottom left participant (blue) has a scale 10 times bigger than the world and other participants.

    Testing in VR in the Unreal Editor

    When you launch a packaged or standalone version of the Collab Template with VR set up on your computer, you'll be able to switch to VR mode using the icon in the Toolbar.

    However, if you want to use VR controls while testing your Project in the Unreal Editor, you'll need to follow these steps:

    1. Find the BP_CollaborativeViewer_GameInstance Asset in the Content Browser under CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/GameInstance .

    2. Double-click the Asset to open it in the Blueprint Editor.

    3. In the My Blueprint panel, select the NavigationMode variable.

    4. In the Details panel, under the Default Value section, select VR for the Navigation Mode option.

    5. Compile and Save the Blueprint.

    6. To launch the preview, use the drop-down arrow next to the Play button in the Toolbar to select VR Preview .

    VR PreviewGame Instance Details panelNavigationMode variableBP_CollaborativeViewer_GameInstance

    Remember to turn this setting back off before you package your application! If you don't, the resulting package will not work as you expect.


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