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Instantly add multi-user collaboration to your application with Cavrnus. Experience real-time collaboration, communication, and customization in a persistent virtual space.

This page will get you started by helping you create your new domain, add your teammates to it, and add the Cavrnus Spatial Connector to your interactive project.

Step 1: Sign Up for Early Access

Cfm cards
cards[{"imagePosition":"top","color":"#091E42","textColor":"#FFFFFF","title":"Signing Up for Early Access","body":"Until we allow for automatic signup, you will need to contact us for Early Access.","backgroundColorPalette":"Default","textColorPalette":"Default","destination":"confluencePage","filterSpace":"false","externalUrl":"","selectedUrl":"","id":"uszmmyfft59","image":"","imageName":"ea signup.png","imageType":"Upload","link":"","macroImageId":"pxf34bp4ib","target":"false"}]

Step 2: Add Team Members to your Organization

Cfm cards
cards[{"imagePosition":"top","color":"#091E42","textColor":"#FFFFFF","title":"Add Team Members to your Organization","body":"The Management Console is where you can add team members & manage your customers and spaces.","backgroundColorPalette":"Default","textColorPalette":"Default","destination":"confluencePage","filterSpace":"false","externalUrl":"","selectedUrl":"","id":"uszmmyfft59","image":"","imageName":"web console.png","imageType":"Upload","link":"","macroImageId":"zzevz7qdtg","target":"false"}]

Step 3: Add the Cavrnus Spatial Connector to your Application

You will need to choose which engine you will be developing in. The plugins are almost identical between the two, but each engine provides powerful capabilities in its own right which Cavrnus enhances.

Cfm cards
cards[{"imagePosition":"top","color":"#091E42","textColor":"#FFFFFF","title":"Cavrnus Spatial Connector for Unity","body":"Add this Plugin to your project to make it multi-user and persistent!","backgroundColorPalette":"Default","textColorPalette":"Default","destination":"confluencePage","filterSpace":"false","externalUrl":"","selectedUrl":"","id":"uszmmyfft59","image":"","imageName":"Unity Good Pic.png","imageType":"Upload","link":"","macroImageId":"o4e2bu0zwq8","target":"false"},{"imagePosition":"top","color":"#091E42","textColor":"#FFFFFF","title":"Cavrnus Spatial Connector for Unreal Engine","body":"Add this Plugin to your project to make it multi-user and persistent!","backgroundColorPalette":"Default","textColorPalette":"Default","destination":"confluencePage","filterSpace":"false","externalUrl":"","selectedUrl":"","id":"untq856ysl","image":"","imageName":"unreal good pic.png","imageType":"Upload","macroImageId":"3gz8276revz","link":""}]

Advantages of Each Engine:

The Cavrnus Spatial Connector (CSC) for Unreal Engine™ leverages Unreal Engine's visualization features to create compelling virtual experiences for architectural design reviews and product configurators.Unity_Logo.pngImage Added

The Cavrnus Spatial Connector (CSC) for Unity™ connects Unity’s powerful interactivity tools to your architectural projects and product configurators in the metaverse in moments.

  • Blueprints: Unreal Engine’s visual scripting system allows developers to create complex interactions and behaviors without writing code.

  • Lumen: Unreal Engine's global illumination solution, providing dynamic and realistic lighting effects in real-time.

  • Nanite: A virtualized geometry system in Unreal Engine that enables the rendering of massive amounts of geometric detail with minimal performance overhead.

  • Realistic Materials: Unreal Engine provides a range of features for realistic surfaces, including physically-based rendering (PBR) materials, material layering, and advanced shader capabilities.

  • C++ Customization: Unreal Engine’s open-source gives developers access to create custom rendering features and interactivity, all accessible within the Cavrnus Platform

    The Cavrnus Spatial Connector (CSC) for Unreal Engine™ leverages Unreal Engine's visualization features to create compelling virtual experiences for architectural design reviews and product configurators.

    • Visual Scripting: Unity's visual scripting solution allows developers to create gameplay mechanics, interactions, and systems with a streamlined visual programming approach.

    • Unity Editor Tools: Unity's Editor comes with built-in tools and utilities to streamline programming workflows.

    • Unity Events and Messaging System: Unity provides a robust event and messaging system that allows different game objects to communicate and interact with each other without direct dependencies.

    • Unity Asset Store: The Unity Asset Store offers a vast library of pre-made assets, scripts, plugins, and tools created by the Unity community and third-party developers.

    • Scripting with C#: Unity primarily uses C# as its scripting language, which is widely known and used in the game development industry.

    • Blueprints: Unreal Engine’s visual scripting system allows developers to create complex interactions and behaviors without writing code.

    • Lumen: Unreal Engine's global illumination solution, providing dynamic and realistic lighting effects in real-time.

    • Nanite: A virtualized geometry system in Unreal Engine that enables the rendering of massive amounts of geometric detail with minimal performance overhead.

    • Realistic Materials: Unreal Engine provides a range of features for realistic surfaces, including physically-based rendering (PBR) materials, material layering, and advanced shader capabilities.

    • C++ Customization: Unreal Engine’s open-source gives developers access to create custom rendering features and interactivity, all accessible within the Cavrnus Platform.